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Clery Reportable Crimes

Criminal Offenses are defined as outlined by the U.S. Department of Justice, FBI National Incident Based Reporting System. For the purposes of complying with the requirements of 34 CFR 668.41,符合这些定义的事件在《大阳城集团99aa》报告中被视为犯罪.

谋杀 & Non-Negligent Manslaughter: The willful (non- negligent) killing of one human being by another. Any death ca使用d by injuries received in a fight, 论点, 争吵, 攻击, 犯罪行为分为谋杀和非过失杀人.

Manslaughter by Negligence: Is defined as the killing of another person through gross negligence. Deaths of persons due to their own negligence, accidental deaths not resulting from gross negligence, and traffic fatalities, are not included in the category Manslaughter by Negligence.

Sexual Assault: An offense that meets the definition of rape, 被溺爱的人, 乱伦, 或联邦调查局统一犯罪报告(UCR)项目中使用的法定强奸. 根据联邦调查局UCR计划的国家事件报告系统用户手册, a sex offense is “any sexual act directed against another person, without the consent of the victim, 包括 instances where the victim if incapable of giving consent.”

  • 强奸: The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.
  • 爱抚: 为了性满足而触摸他人的身体私处, without the consent of the victim, 包括受害者因其年龄或因其暂时或永久的精神或身体丧失行为能力而无法给予同意的情况. (因为在爱抚中没有插入,这种罪行不会转化为强奸。)
  • 乱伦: 在法律所禁止的婚姻范围内相互有亲属关系的人之间发生的性行为.
  • Statutory 强奸: sexual intercourse with 一个人 who is under the statutory age of consent.

仇恨犯罪: 犯罪对人或财产实施的全部或部分动机的犯罪, by the offender’s bias.

偏见是基于种族对一群人预先形成的消极意见或态度, 性别, 宗教, 性别 identity, 残疾, sexual orientation, national origin or ethnicity.

*For Clery reporting purposes, 这些犯罪行为只有在仇恨和/或偏见驱使下才会被举报:

  • 盗窃: The unlawful taking, 携带, 领先的, 或从他人的占有或推定占有中剥夺财产.
  • 破坏公物: To willfully or maliciously destroy, 伤害, 使变丑, or deface any public or private property, real or personal, 未经所有者或者保管、控制人同意擅自砍伐的, 撕裂, 打破, 标记, 绘画, 画, covering with filth, or any other such means as may be specified by local law.
  • 恐吓:通过使用威胁性言语和/或其他行为,非法地使他人处于对身体伤害的合理恐惧之中, 但没有展示武器也没有让受害者受到实际的身体攻击.
  • Simple Assault一种由一个人对另一个人进行的非法的身体攻击,但双方都没有出示武器, 受害者也没有明显的严重或加重的身体伤害,包括明显的骨折, 牙齿脱落, possible internal injury, severe laceration or loss of consciousness.

抢劫: 拿, or attempted taking, of anything of value from one person by another, in which the offender 使用s force or the threat of violence.

Aggravated Assault: 严重攻击是指一个人对另一个人进行的非法攻击,目的是造成严重或加重的身体伤害. 这种类型的攻击通常伴随着使用武器或可能造成死亡或严重身体伤害的手段.

盗窃: 非法进入建筑物或其他建筑物,意图实施重罪或盗窃.
Motor-Vehicle Theft: The theft or attempted theft of a 机动车, 包括 automobiles, 卡车, 摩托车, 和机动.

纵火罪: The willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling ho使用, public building, 机动车, 或飞机, personal property of another, 等.

Domestic Violence: 包括由受害者的现任或前任配偶犯下的暴力重罪或轻罪, by 一个人 with whom the victim shares a child in common, 作为配偶或亲密伴侣与受害人同居或曾与受害人同居的人, 根据发生暴力犯罪的司法管辖区的家庭暴力法或家庭暴力法,与受害者的配偶地位相同的人, 或任何其他人对发生暴力犯罪所在司法管辖区的家庭暴力法或家庭暴力法规定的受保护的成人或青少年受害者的行为.

Dating Violence: Violence committed by 一个人 who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and, 这种关系的存在,应当由受害人在考虑下列因素后确定:(1)这种关系的长短, (2) The type of relationship, (3)关系中涉及的人之间互动的频率.

跟踪: Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would ca使用 a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or to suffer substantial emotional distress. Course of conduct means two or more acts, 包括, but not limitedto, acts which the stalker directly, 间接, or through third parties, 通过任何行动, 方法, 设备, or means follows, 监控, 观察, 监视, 威胁, or communicates to or about, 一个人, or interferes with 一个人’s property.

Arrests / Referrals:

  • Weapon Law Violations违反有关武器犯罪的法律或条例,如:制造, 出售, or possession of deadly weapons; 携带 deadly weapons, concealed or openly; 家具 deadly weapons to minors; aliens possessing deadly weapons; all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned.

  • Drug Ab使用 Violations: Violations of state and local laws relating to the unlawful possession, 出售, 使用, 日益增长的, 制造业, and making of narcotic drugs. 相关物质包括:鸦片或可卡因及其衍生物(吗啡), 海洛因, codeine); marijuana; synthetic narcotics (demerol, methadones); and dangerous non- narcotic drugs (barbiturates, 苯丙胺).

  • Liquor Law Violations: The violation of laws or ordinance prohibiting: the manufacture, 出售, 运输, 家具, possessing of intoxicating liquor; maintaining unlawful drinking places; bootlegging; operating a still; 家具 liquor to minor or intemperate person; using a vehicle for illegal transportation of liquor; drinking on a train or public conveyance; and all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned violations. *Public Intoxication and DUI are not Clery reportable incidents



1400约翰·R. 林奇街
Jackson, MS 39217-0280
